Pediatric Vasculitis

Growing with Vasculitis

Welcome to the Vasculitis Foundation’s resource for our pediatric and young adult patients, their parents, guardians, families and friends. We hope you will find this information beneficial. Most families have never heard of vasculitis before their child is diagnosed with the disease. We believe it is critically important for you to learn as much as possible about vasculitis and the resources that are available to help you manage the disease.


While the various types of vasculitis share common characteristics, each is unique and impacts the body in different eway. Learn about the types of vasculitis and how they manifest in pediatric patients.  

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Depending on which types of blood vessels are affected by the vasculitis, different changes can be seen in the lungs. Learn how vasculitis may impact the lungs and the treatments for vasculitis with lung involvement.

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Depending on the type of vasculitis and its severity, different changes can be seen in the kidneys. Learn how vasculitis may impact the kidneys and the treatments for vasculitis with kidney involvement.

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Treating vasculitis requires not just medical intervention but behavioral intervention as well. Self-care is necessary for everyone, but this is especially true for those affected by vasculitis.

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Your child’s diagnosis impacted your entire family. These resources will help guide you as you talk to siblings, maintain family relationships, and deal with financial and emotional stressors. 

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The resources on this page are designed to help you take control of what you can control. There are concrete things you can do to nurture your physical and mental health and well-being. 

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Vaccine Guidelines

Your child who has vasculitis may be on one or more medications that can make it difficult for the body to fight off infections. One way that you can protect your child is by staying up to date on the recommended vaccines for their age group. 

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It is an unfortunate reality that with a vasculitis disease there may come a time when attending school full-time or at all may simply not be possible. It is recommended that all children/teens with a chronic disease have accommodations in place at their school to allow them to have a full academic experience despite their illness.

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